In addition to the conventional physio- and occupational therapy the robotic department puts its focus on technology-supported treatments to improve lost or damaged sensorimotor skills of patients with neurological disease. In doing so computer-controlled electromechanical training robots are of great value.
The first Lokomat in Hochzirl was put into operation as early as 2001. Over the years the range of these electromechanical systems has continuously been extended. Currently inpatients can train on a variety of different training robots for the upper and lower extremities as well as for the trunk. This enables the patient to start very early with a specific training, such as gait training.
The high number of repetitions and the training at the patient's performance limit enhance motor learning and neural reorganization. Studies have shown that the early use of these systems has also a positive effect on the patients' remission phases. During the rehabilitation process different robotic systems are used, that pursue specific goals.
Our range of training robots:
- VEMOTION: very early mobilisation and dynamic verticalisation of severely affected bedridden patients
- ERIGO: mobilisation and dynamic verticalisation of severely affected patients in the early phase of rehabilitation
- LOKOMAT/LYRA: functional gait training with the help of a walking orthosis
- ANDAGO: functional walking on the ground with weight support
- Functional electrostimulation (FES - Bioness): functional gait training to treat drop foot
- C-Mill: coordination training of the lower extremities with biofeedback
- Gait laboratory: gait and movement analyses
- HIROB: automated hippotherapy to improve trunk control, stability and balance
- ROBERT: selective training of the extremities with the help of a cobot
- ARMEO SPRING: automated training of the upper limbs with arm support
- AMADEO: finger and hand orthosis for training fine motor skills
- PABLO: measurement and training system for single and bimanual training of the upper extremities
- Biofeedback electro-stimulation (Stiwell): electrotherapy for functional reaching and grasping exercises of the upper limb
- Intensive Visual Simulation 3 (IVS3): digital mirror therapy - training the upper extremities by action observation and motor imaging as a prerequisite of independent upper limb movement