Nursing team
Activating care
- The independence of the patients should be supported
- Help patients to help themselves
- The remaining independence should be preserved
- Depending on the limitations, the nurse supports with partial assumption of tasks, partial assistance, instructions, advice
- Mobility and skills are improved
- Perception is promoted
- Inclusion of relatives in the rehabilitation process
Therapeutic activating care
- The existing resources of the persons cared for (abilities and skills) are the basis for the therapeutic activating care
- It is characterized by a relationship process with well mapped-out measures/activities
- The interventions and the objective are planned, carried out and constantly evaluated with the patient, the team and the relatives
Holistic care
- The human being is seen as a whole, not only his illness or his limitations
- The physical, psychological and the social needs are established, they are the basis for the treatment of the patient
- Special attention is given to maintain the dignity of the patient and his right to self-determination