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Centre of reference for management of spasticity

Upon presence of increased muscle tone within discrete groups of muscles just as in single muscles targeted injections of botulinum (neuro-)toxin constitute a first-line therapy novel in comparison. Botulinum toxin is able to forcefully reduce muscle tone and is applied by direct injections into the affected musculature thus impact is locally restricted and concurrently systemic side effects will be missed. Botulinum toxin usually unfolds the impact of muscle relaxation within a couple of days and keeps it up for approximately three months. In some cases reduction of muscle tone is required for only a limited period and retreatment may elsewise be passed within a three-months´ interval. Targeted applications of botulinum toxin are realised by both EMG (electromyography) supported and ultrasound guided injections in the affected muscles. Thus, a directed treatment is ensured as other muscles than the selected ones will not be hit and hence incidence of undesirable effects and increased frequency of side effects respectively will be decreased.